Friday, August 15, 2008

work out: day 1

from now on, i'm gonna call this the "ripper workout"! mainly because my friend at work calls me "ripper" and i don't want to refer to it as something as generic as "my workout" or something like that...

the first day only lasted about a half hour and consisted of: rows, calf raises, dumbbell press, shoulder press, squats, crunches, & curls.

how am i feeling? after a, what seemed easy, 30 minutes or so of weight training in sequence??? SORE MUSCLES! legs, tris, chest, & back mostly.

it feels great though, being this sore with that quick of a workout. i'm most amazed at my legs because, as i've said, i bike almost every day. and i didn't lift a pound over 20!

next workout will be saturday morning. next update will be at the end of the first week (thursday 8/21. last workout being tuesday 8/19).

tonight, it's off to CMU's stadium to do some running!

overall status: so far, so great! all the exercises were do-able! looking forward to saturday morning!

have a great weekend everyone!

the last post was post #40... we all know how i feel about the #40! wooo hooo!

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