found on the thepensblog from last nights game:

nothing in particular to talk about... no direction... and banged out thoughts on a 3rd grade level!
after the third goal of the game... SEVENTH unanswered goal of the series... turn the tv off... stomp around the house slamming every door and yelling obscenities... jump into your focus... i mean car LEAVE... give all the annoying ghosts/aliens at your house time to re-group and get you back for stomping around my... your house...
that picture alone is the reason hossa is my man-crush... and is everything i want to be as a human! LOOK... AT... HER!!!
...and speaking of 1 of my first 2 stops, and favorite sites on the internet! ThePensBlog & Emptynetters! the dynamic duo! i am happy for the penguins so far, but know they HAVE a long way to go, and i'm just as nervous today as i was wednesday april 9th! nuff said about that... my point is, i'm JUST as happy for the hard working EN & TPB staff! they deserve this just as much... and have the honor of blogging their home team through the cup finals! i hope we enjoy every minute of it, if you know what i mean, because i will be reading right along!!!
enough about that... more to come!
speaking of favorite internet sites in general, i found this over at uniwatchblog (the only reason its not one of my first stops is because it's not updated till 9:30-10ish... definitely one of my favorites though!!!)... anyways, look at the name the "pats" could have been... the bay city patriots? kind of neat but only cause i'm a:
enjoy the weekend everybody!!!
veronica... ron... piano man... take us out of here!!!
*sausage & eggs!!!
whoa! addidas AND vw?!?! coincidence??? i think not...
what bothers me about the jersey? ADDIDAS! WTF is up with the shiny-ness?!?! seriously?!?! these jerseys/uniforms... for being "authentic"... are chincy at best! as i sit here in my ultra-heavy, double/triple stitched bristol-rugby-bass ale-jersey!