first up, i found those silly english over at the BBC did some april foolishness via technology... technology that seems to be way better than mine... WAY better than mine:

technology/to do list
(by "to do list" i mean... an add for the local "rub & tug"):

anyways, here are those wacky BBC'ers and their funny-ness (you'll get the gist after a few seconds... no need to watch the whole video):
so then, also on the detroit free press (or whatever) web page i found an "oldie but goodie":
so then, also on the detroit free press (or whatever) web page i found an "oldie but goodie":
but, as i was watching it, my boss walked buy and i quickly "x'ed" out of it... so, no biggie, instead of digging through pages of stuff, i can just find it again on youtube! right? sure... well, go and type in "beware the penguin" in youtube and find out what YOU come up with!!!
YEAH! me too!!!
where do i start with these intriguing, crayonic, intriguing cartoons??? did i mention intriguing??? i am addicted! there, that will kick it off. i could only handle "the sequel"... youtube describes it as:

i'll describe it as AWESOME!
first off, kudos for coloring inside the lines! you got this little 'giun... that i'm guessing is waiting for underwater public transportation... when he starts daydreaming (who doesn't while waiting for the bus)... so he starts a cliffhanger-esque dream bubble:

or (stick eith it, or fast forward to the last 10 seconds or so):
but anyways, cliffhanger, blah, blah, blah... penguin with helmet mountain climbing... here, have my cool hat before i plunge into a white abyss... daydream ends... here comes shark (smiling, no doubt)... steals hat (sharks WILL do that from time-to-time), looks hungry... gets punked down by the penguin! "hey, look at the huge blue-eyed whale"---"like i'll fall for that"---chomp---"duh"---boo-yow! eatin by a whale! oldest trick in the book! well, one of them anyway... whale closes eyes and squirts hat out of hole (if i had a dollar for every time i typed that statement during the day)... penguin: "gimmie that back"... whale turns and sends a SERIOUS message via his other hole (didn't know whales could do that on que)... swims away, penguin chases... whale gets pissed, swims back FAST and YOINK!!! eats penguin... smiles... but wait! penguin RAGES inside whales tummy: peter pan style (or whatever that little wooden boy was named)... whale does whatever any whale would do in that situation... swim over to a giant pepto bismol and wills it into his stomach... penguin like "WTF?!?!" ... rage, rage, rage... uh oh! glorious explosion!!! nothing but jaws & eyeballs!!! dogs & cats, living together... total anarchy! wink, wink from mr. penguin... "i'll be back"
WHEW! what an eventful day in the PacoNation offices!
speaking of the PacoNation office: reminder, tomorrow is black & gold jeans day!!!
he'll wear 'em:
speaking of the PacoNation office: reminder, tomorrow is black & gold jeans day!!!
he'll wear 'em:

i'm done for the week! have a great/safe holiday weekend!!! see you tuesday!
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